Theology and Interpretation

Theology and Interpretation
Preaching + Stereotypes

Then turning toward the woman, he said to Simon, “Do you see this woman?” – Luke 7:44a [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Psalms that Reflect on Human Life

Three truths about humans living within a wider created world [...]

Theology and Interpretation
People Get It, but Need Leadership

I recently returned from a weekend in a large Presbyterian [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Preaching + Recovery

As someone who is formerly homeless, formerly incarcerated, and in long-term recovery I often find “Lenten disciplines” [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Preaching on Faith + Science

“I’m not qualified to preach on science and faith.” This statement is more common than [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Creation Care and Kilowatt Hours

Recently I was asked to speak in a church in [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Preaching + Disabilities

His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Preaching + Fertility Struggles

Advent brings the sense of delighted expectation that Jesus, God’s [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Hearing Both Cries

The Bible’s sensitivity not only to the natural world but to economic justice for the lowly is [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Preaching + Domestic Violence

I will never forget what it felt like to sit in a pew in a [...]