Keep Working Preacher Working for You
Your support for Working Preacher provides inspiration and community for preachers and lay leaders during a time when biblical preaching is so important. Show how much biblical preaching matters to you by making a gift to Working Preacher before October 31, 2024.
With your help we know we can reach our goal of raising $50,000 this October to keep Working Preacher thriving. Your support helps ensure that Working Preacher remains free and available to all, no matter where they are.
Your donations are more than charity–they make you active partners in this ministry. Your gifts are expressions of gratitude for the resources we make available, of course, yet they also are tangible ways of supporting and furthering biblical preaching in pulpits around the world. God uses preaching to change lives, and Working Preacher donors like you are essential parts of that spiritual labor. Thank you for partnering with us in this ministry!
Make your donation on the secure form below:
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You may send a check (made out to “Luther Seminary” with “Working Preacher” in the memo line) to:
Working Preacher
Luther Seminary
PO Box 860747
Minneapolis, MN 55486-0747