Craft of Preaching

Man casting net into the sea
Epiphany 5C: Cast your nets

Preacher, are you casting your net with conviction? Jesus called his first followers to fish [...]

View of the cliffs at Kalabaka, Greece.
Epiphany 4C: On the edge of a cliff

Karoline Lewis reflects from Kalabaka, Greece, with the Meteora Monasteries [...]

Jerusalem the Holy City
Preaching Series
Preaching Revelation This Easter Season (Year C)

Easter season in Year C gives preachers an opportunity to [...]

Man crossing street in urban area after snowstorm.
Epiphany 3C: Spirit of the Lord upon me

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me.” In Luke [...]

book cover for
Sermon Development
The Peoples’ Sermon

Proclaiming the Word through a sermon is meant to be a shared effort, rather than a solo [...]

Epiphany 2C: Total wine

As we enter a week marked by both the U.S. presidential inauguration and Martin Luther King Jr. [...]

Martin Luther King Jr. in Washington, D.C., 1963.
Preaching Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Inauguration

On Monday, Jan. 20, 2025, [...]

Baptism of Our Lord: What does baptism mean to you?

Karoline Lewis invites us to [...]

Baby lying in bed
Christmas Eve: Jesus was born for you

Rolf Jacobson encourages preachers working on their Christmas Eve sermon: [...]

Woman sings in front of world map
Advent 4C: Mary sings

Matt Skinner reflects on Mary in Luke 1: Preachers, how can you, like Mary, draw fresh meaning [...]