We’re out to inspire better preaching. To celebrate the many ways the Word is interpreted and communicated, we chose to incorporate artwork inspired by biblical themes into the design of Our goal is to display artwork that connects with each week’s lectionary readings.
Many of these works of art are part of the Luther Seminary Fine Arts Collection, which is comprised of religiously-themed artwork. We are committed to displaying the artwork in a way that respects copyright. As such, we ask that you observe this site’s copyright guidelines.
Working Preacher is committed to protect artwork from unauthorized use and dispersal by visitors to the site. All copyright will remain with the copyright owner.
Unless otherwise indicated (by links in the artwork’s attribution line), artwork posted on Working Preacher is not free for use in single-use settings (such as for PowerPoints, bulletins, newsletters, websites).
For more information about the Fine Arts Collection at Luther Seminary, please contact Paul Daniels at
Luther Seminary owns all rights to Working Preacher articles and commentaries, whether published online or in other electronic or print media. Any use or requests for permission to reprint (electronic or print) must be submitted to Working Preacher.
If permission is granted, the original article/commentary should be published without substantial alteration and credit must be attributed to Working Preacher, as follows: Published on Luther Seminary’s Working Preacher, used by permission.
A copy (hard copy or electronic) of the reprint should be emailed to
Audio/Video podcast episodes and videos are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial- NoDerivs 3.0 License.
Copyright inquiries should be submitted to Working Preacher at, 651-641-3508 or via mail to:
Working Preacher
Luther Seminary
2481 Como Ave.
Saint Paul, MN 55108