Year A

God is Great, God is Good

During September, leading up to the Feast Day of St. Francis, a growing number of [...]

Wilderness Sunday: Preaching Season of Creation Week 3

Editor’s Note: Each week in [...]

Land Sunday: Preaching Season of Creation Week 2

Editor’s Note: Each week in August will publish commentaries that correspond [...]

Forest Sunday: Preaching Season of Creation Week 1

Editor’s Note: Each week in [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Trinitarian Congregations

Dear Working Preacher, I don’t know about you, but I often find myself dreading Trinity [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Jesus’ Prayer and Ours

Dear Working Preacher, It’s time to talk about prayer. Not so much between you and [...]

Preaching Moment 284: Thomas Long on Preaching Matthew

Tom Long offers tips for [...]

Sermon Development
Preaching Matthew, Part II: “Reorientation into God’s Reign”

Matthew’s Gospel gives us a [...]

Sermon Development
Disorientation into Matthew’s World: Preaching Matthew, Part I

Preachers have an opportunity throughout [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Sheep and Goats and Judgment, Oh My

Dear Working Preacher, Do you ever read a passage and [...]