Theology and Interpretation

Theology and Interpretation
Texts in Conversation: Preaching and Meaning

I used to find it incredibly frustrating. The Sunday texts [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Marklarkey II: Parabolic Tomfoolery from the Second Gospel

In a previous article, posted [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Essential Elements of Biblical Preaching: An Invitation

Working Preacher, We need your [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Jesus Christ in the Sermon–Presence or Absence?

Sally A. Brown’s work, Cross [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Lutherans Preaching on Social Issues?

Lutherans have not always been perceived to lead the crowd [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Creation Themes and Imagery during Advent

Advent is the celebration of God’s coming into the world [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Advent Gospel Readings 2010

The Advent texts from the gospel of Matthew in Year A span from chapter one [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Marklarkey: or, What’s So Funny About the Second Gospel?

Humor from the pulpit is [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Making Richer Analogies and Identifications to the Bible

On the one hand you’ve [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Sometimes “The Point” Is Beside The Point

I must confess a prejudice. [...]