Working Preacher,
We need your help — and it won’t even take you five minutes! Karoline Lewis, Rolf Jacobson, Matt Skinner and I are working on Sermon Brainwave, the Book! In it, we seek to explore some of the important — and what we feel are often overlooked — elements of biblical preaching, particularly as they relate to how one moves creatively, faithfully, and effectively from Scripture to sermon. We expect to write in a lively, down-to-earth way and to interact with each other’s pieces via side-bar comments and insights so as to retain the conversational element of the podcast.
But while we have lots of ideas about what would be helpful to today’s working preacher, we want to ensure that we are “on target” by engaging your participation. So, here are our two questions: 1) What elements of biblical preaching do you find most challenging? 2) What topic in preaching would you most like to have an engaging, enjoyable, and absolutely enlightening article about? (Okay, so the last question is a little over-the-top, but it’s honestly what we’re striving for!)
If you have any ideas you want to share, we would greatly appreciate it if you would send them to us in an email with the subject line “Brainwave Book” at We plan to collate your ideas into chapter subjects and work from there, and we’ll keep you up to date as we move forward. In fact, we’re hoping to make this publishing venture as much a cooperative experience as possible. More about that later. For now, thanks so much for taking five minutes to share some of your ideas with us.
David, for the Sermon Brainwave crew.