Theology and Interpretation

Theology and Interpretation
Isaiah’s Earthly Hopes

One liturgical year ends soon and the next will immediately begin. The lectionary’s seasonal turning from Christ’s [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Preaching on Reformation: Global, Ecumenical, Ongoing

This coming Reformation Day, October [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Durable Faith

Jesus’ commandment to love God, others, and self seems like an easy message to convey. People want, [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Faith Stays in, Doubt Steps Out

Before entering pastoral ministry I was encouraged to network and [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Review: New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology and Exegesis

When Eliza Doolittle is finally [...]

Theology and Interpretation
An Existential Encounter with the Text

Just the thought of doing exegesis for one more sermon [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Preaching from Mark’s Gospel: Fasten Your Seat Belts

Regarding the Gospels, many lectionary [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Preaching the Bible to Those Who Have Never Read It

Blockbuster films and scandalous exposé-style [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Lent in Jerusalem: Beyond the Palm Parade

Several weeks ago, Rolf Jacobson wrote helpfully about the re-imagination [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Rethinking the ‘Lenten Journey’: Start by Asking, ‘What’s Lent for?’ (Part 2 of 2)

In this second of two [...]