
Detail from Bartolomé Esteban Murillo's
Commentary on Matthew 2:1-12

For Epiphany the lectionary offers us a tale of two kings: the holy child Jesus [...]

Photo of candle light in the darkness
Commentary on John 1:[1-9], 10-18

There is no infancy narrative, no temptation in the wilderness, [...]

The birth of Jesus with shepherds
Commentary on Luke 2:[1-7] 8-20

For Christmas Day, the lectionary turns to the second half [...]

Detail from
Commentary on Luke 2:41-52

The lectionary ends this calendar year with the first words of Jesus, but before that [...]

Photo of one match lighting another in the dark
Commentary on John 1:1-14

The first three words of John 1:1 can be literally translated “In a beginning” and [...]

Detail from
Commentary on Luke 2:1-14 [15-20]

In the book Overload: Finding the Truth in Today’s Deluge [...]

Detail from
Commentary on Luke 1:39-45 [46-55]

Many will remember Roots, Alex Haley’s 1976 phenomenal book that [...]

Detail from
Commentary on Luke 3:7-18

Good news can take different forms. John the Baptizer’s message is an example. More than [...]

Detail from Bartholomeus Breenbergh's
Commentary on Luke 3:1-6

On the second Sunday of Advent, John the Baptizer gets a little limelight. By this point in [...]

Nikolai Ge,
Commentary on John 18:33-37

Who is truly powerful? Who reigns?1 John’s trial narrative raises these questions in compelling ways. [...]