Sermon Development

Sermon Development
Returning to preaching the Gospel and nothing but the Gospel, Part II

I am not trying to [...]

Sermon Development
Returning to preaching the Gospel and nothing but the Gospel, Part I

Learning is a cognitive process [...]

Sermon Development
Where Do Good Sermons Come From?

Listening for the Sermon Where do good sermons come from? [...]

Sermon Development
Preaching for the Heart

Most pastors do an ardent job of trying to faithfully preach from the Biblical text. We spend [...]

Sermon Development
Google Wave as Group Sermon Preparation Tool

In case you haven’t heard, Google Wave is the latest [...]

Sermon Development
Improving Our Preaching

I was on internship, attending a conference on evangelism, the first time I heard someone say, “Over [...]

Sermon Development
Maintaining the Preaching Voice

In 1875, Charles Spurgeon wrote, “If you have any idiosyncrasies [...]

Sermon Development
Where Do Good Stewardship Sermons Come From?

We all know that money is not the only aspect [...]

Sermon Development
Singing on All Saints Sunday

It happened again a couple of weeks ago: In the middle of a funeral sermon [...]