Dear Working Preacher

hand clasping wheat in front of wheat field
Dear Working Preacher
Preaching that Delivers a Promise

Preachers live busy lives. They are often so consumed with [...]

searchlight pointing up into darkness
Dear Working Preacher
Light Shines on a Weary World

There’s a long-standing debate in Johannine scholarship about the actual moment of the incarnation in [...]

hymn music for
Dear Working Preacher
Sing to the LORD a New Song

“O sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all the earth!” [...]

Group dancing at dusk
Dear Working Preacher
Dancing the Song of Our Savior God

Dear Working Preacher, Almost game day! A beloved parishioner used [...]

woman holding bars of soap
Dear Working Preacher
God Is Not Finished with Us Yet

The Third Sunday of Advent, which we celebrate this week, [...]

refining fire in factory
Dear Working Preacher
A Season for Truth Telling

It’s easy to think of Advent as the leisurely, candle-lit path to Christmas. Coming on [...]

signpost silhouette at sunset
Dear Working Preacher
An Apocalyptic Advent

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling rather apocalyptic these days. Totally resonating with the first [...]

Poster reading
Dear Working Preacher
What Are You Waiting For?

Now what? Another church year has told its story, taking us from anticipating the Christ, [...]

Woman holding umbrella over young person's head in storm
Dear Working Preacher
Find Refuge in the Face of Hostility

It is that time of year. Congregations, publishing houses, camps, [...]

woman crying outside with flowers in hand
Dear Working Preacher
Mourn Loss, Proclaim Faith

On an All Saints Sunday many years ago, I happened to be preaching at the [...]