Month: August 2015

Dear Working Preacher
God Said Yes to Me

Something different, Working Preachers. I want to begin the column this week with a reading that I [...]

Sermon Development
Red Ink and All: Getting in Touch with Your Inner Homiletician Part 5

This is the fifth article [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Heart Tellings

Speaking the truth from your heart. There’s a concept. Welcome back to Mark after five weeks in [...]

We’re Losing

We spend so much time and effort on proclamation of the Good News of the love of [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Not Just Bread Anymore

Admit it. You want to go to the party that gets to admit, “This is hard, who [...]

Acts 2: A Church of Prophets – Matt Skinner

Matt Skinner, professor of New Testament at Luther Seminary, marvels [...]

Scriptural Wisdom Makes Ecological Sense

Wisdom rules the September lectionary. Several weeks of Proverbs and [...]

Dear Working Preacher
A “Living” Bread

Be honest. What are you most hoping to hear in this column for the fourth [...]

Preaching: Our Mission Impossible

Preachers: Your mission, should you chose to accept it, is [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Past Matters

Where you come from matters. This third installment of the Bread of Life discourse is all about [...]