
Dear Working Preacher
Shine On, You Working Preachers

You are the light of the world. Not Jesus, but [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Illumination, Revelation, Transformation

Since Lent does not begin until March 2019, the season [...]

Dear Working Preacher

Sometimes, Dear Working Preachers, a biblical text emboldens you, empowers you, encourages you to give witness to [...]

Light Shines in Darkness, and on Rooftops

Recent events in Paris stand out as a microcosm of [...]

Lent and Light and Love Prevailing

Lent is right around the corner and for those of [...]

Deep Winter Light

In the cold of earliest morning at Pendle Hill Quaker Center, I venture from my room to [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Generosity Sightings

Dear Working Preachers, “Are you envious because I am generous?” reads the latter section of 20:15 in this [...]