
Epiphany 2C: Total wine

As we enter a week marked by both the U.S. presidential inauguration and Martin Luther King Jr. [...]

Preaching Series
Forming Communities of Resistance: A 4-week preaching series

Ed. note: Don’t miss last week’s article [...]

Sermon Development
Being a Prophet in Another Person’s Hometown

I’m in a unique ministry [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Crossing the Kingdom

Transitions matter. “On that day” — on what day, exactly? Inquiring minds want to know, Mark. Well, [...]

Dear Working Preacher
A Year in Perspective

Dear Working Preachers, Matthew has been a good homiletical companion this past year. Perhaps, the very Gospel [...]

Dear Working Preacher

I suspect that many of us might be a bit weary of Matthew by now. And to [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Not Peace but a Sword

“Not peace but a sword.” I resist this saying of Jesus. I resist it a lot, not [...]

Weightier Matters: Faith, Justice, and Mercy

As I prepare this month’s column, the scripture that refuses [...]

Sermon Development
Behind the Sermon: John 3 and Immigration

When I was invited to preach on John 3 recently,1 [...]

Theology and Interpretation
New “Holy Days for Justice” Add Breadth and Depth to Preaching

The Revised Common Lectionary is [...]