
Plain black text painted on white wall:
Preaching and Political Polarization

Stepping into the pulpit takes courage in any season, but [...]

buttons with
Preaching to Those Who May Stay Home this Election Day

In an election year,1 the [...]

Statue of Liberty - related to issue of immigration
How to Preach on the Issue of Immigration?

What can one say from the pulpit about the issue [...]

Woman demonstrating agility by hurdling on track
Preaching across Platforms: An Invitation to Preaching Agility

Preaching is a practice, not [...]

Dear Working Preacher
John and the Two Sides of the Pulpit

I wonder who baptized John. He might have had to [...]

Sermon Development
Panic before Pulpit, Every Time

Preaching at its best must cultivate a relationship with panic. [...]

Pulpit Inventory

I’ve always been fascinated by words. Words shape ideas, so much that a seemingly innocuous phrasing choice [...]

Pulpit Magic

A young woman came into my office yesterday, terrified. I don’t know much about her background. She [...]

This Is My Body, Preached for You

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.The Word did [...]