
Theology and Interpretation
Nature’s Warning

I live in Indiana near Louisville, Kentucky. Since mid-March, Kentucky’s governor Andy Beshear has offered an update [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Recognize (and Protect) Everyday Miracles

How about giving up discontent for Lent? There’s a complaint [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Illumination, Revelation, Transformation

Since Lent does not begin until March 2019, the season [...]

Preaching Moment 340: Eunjoo Mary Kim Preaching on Nature

Eunjoo Mary Kim offers her [...]

Abundance and Need

No sooner does one election cycle end these days than another begins. Into the midst of this [...]

God is Great, God is Good

During September, leading up to the Feast Day of St. Francis, a growing number of [...]

God Speaks to Job – Kathryn Schifferdecker

Kathyrn Schifferdecker, Luther Seminary associate professor of Old Testament, talks [...]

God in the Wild

A Look Ahead During September, leading up to the Feast Day of St. Francis, a growing number [...]

Vegetative Parables

Author’s Note: Friends, if you enjoy writing and would like to hone your skills, consider applying for [...]