
Mother comforting her son
Ordinary 10B: Family Matters

Karoline Lewis reflects on family in Mark 3, and how our relationship with Jesus changes [...]

Dear Working Preacher
A Deeper Family Story

“Connect to a deeper family story,” urges the website For a price, the service will connect [...]

Sermon Development
Being Yourself vs. Using Yourself

I was recently gifted a copy of the sarcastic, crude, [...]

Sermon Development
Preaching + Care for Caregivers

“Be still and know that I am God!” — Psalm [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Preaching Adoption

When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing beside her, he said to [...]

Three Kinds of Churchgoers

There are three types of churchgoers, in my experience. Members of each group can be [...]

Ashamed of Me and Mine

When I saw Pope Francis lean over and kiss that severely disabled man in the crowd at [...]