
hiker looking up at rocky cliff
Advent 2C: God always shows up

Joy J. Moore reflects on the powerful message of Luke [...]

Tree bud springing up in morning light
Advent 2B: Beginnings

Just when you think you don’t have a new idea, our God shows up. In Mark 1, [...]

Leaves in various shades from green to red
Advent 1B: Read the Seasons

Advent’s here! Jesus calls us to read the seasons, even if we don’t know what’s [...]

hiker on ridge with thousands of steps
Dear Working Preacher
The Story of the Rich Man Is … A Gift to Preachers?

On texts for Oct. 10, [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Change Is Possible and Needed

While the opportunities Scripture offers to speak directly of the beauty, power, and needs of [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Nothing Lasts Forever

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” Well, Jesus. Those are [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Abide In My Love

Dear Working Preachers, so much in this passage on which to preach! Joy, love one another, laying [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Change Matters

Dear Working Preachers, I feel like I need to begin with some rather unsolicited advice: do not [...]

Sermon Development
Notes from the Field: Elections, Bulldozers, and Grief

Anybody here feel like a [...]

Sermon Development
Preaching through Congregational Conflict

People who have an idealistic view of the church are [...]