Dear Working Preacher

Mural with words World Peace repeated in various colors
Dear Working Preacher
Speak the Dream of Peace

Almost ten years ago, my family and I moved to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for a year so [...]

Seedlings emerging from soil
Dear Working Preacher
Sowing in Tears

Psalm 126 is one of the most memorable “Songs of Ascent.” Among its unforgettable lines are:  “When [...]

Person with hands outstretched on a beach.
Dear Working Preacher
Ode to Joy

Like a good parable, the prodigal son is chock-full of ambiguity. So, the first preaching task is [...]

plate of figs
Dear Working Preacher
On Giving a Fig

References to repentance appear frequently in Luke-Acts. If that makes you uncomfortable as a preacher, you can [...]

Starry night sky
Dear Working Preacher
Evidence of God’s Faithfulness

This week’s Old Testament lectionary reading contains my favorite ambiguous [...]

Jesus Saves neon sign behind chicken wire
Dear Working Preacher
God’s Rescue Operation

Dear Working Preacher, I wish you a blessed Ash Wednesday and First Sunday in Lent. [...]

mountain vista at sunset
Dear Working Preacher
Glimpse of Glory

Transfiguration Sunday is an odd church festival. My hunch is that the average lay person understands it [...]

Woman holding her head in darkness
Dear Working Preacher
Woes and Whoas

I am going to date myself here. Growing up, I learned a lot of grammar, and a [...]

silhouette of crowds walking on street
Dear Working Preacher
Jesus and the Crowds

Perhaps because, like many folks, I’ve spent the last two years carefully avoiding large groups of people, [...]

stunning red rose on green backdrop
Dear Working Preacher
Staggering Love

Some of my favorite parts of Paul’s writings are the places where he admits just how little [...]