First in a four-part series of videos on how to embody Scripture in worship
In this 10-minute video, Sam Bardwell demonstrates how to read Bible passages in Advent effectively, so that not one word is lost.
After a brief introduction, Bardwell delivers the psalm for First Sunday of Advent (Psalm 25) twice: once in the “Bible tone” that is commonly heard in worship, and a second time with special emphasis on conveying the message embedded within the Scripture passage.
In between the two readings, he demonstrates verbal volleys, an exercise that helps lectors keep the Word of God alive and buoyant in the worship space and in the world.
“Each of these verses in Scripture is specific and vital and deserves our attention. Verbal volleys are meant to help us … get at the specific weight, the specific heft of each verse,” says Bardwell in this video.
Read the accompanying article by Bardwell here.