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Comentario del San Marcos 6:14-29 estudio fructífero de cualquier texto bíblico requiere inexorablemente la identificación precisa y cuidadosa de las estructuras retóricas utilizadas para construirlo, es decir, de las formas gramaticales que el autor eligió para contarnos los eventos (...)
Tito Madrazo Madrazo es un pastor bautista con más de 17 años de experiencia en el ministerio. También trabaja por la Escuela de Divinidad de la Universidad de Duke como becario postdoctoral, enseñando cursos en predicación (...)
La Iniciativa de Predicación Hispano-Latina por La Casa de Estudios Hispanos de la Escuela de Divinidad de Duke, la Iniciativa de Predicación Hispano-Latina está ofreciendo una oportunidad a pastores y pastoras hispanos y latinos para recibir entrenamiento homilético en (...)
Commentary on Overview of NL Year 2[This overview was co-written by Karl N. Jacobson and Rolf A Jacobson.] The Year of Mark: “God at the Center” Year 2 in the Narrative Lectionary’s (NL) four-year cycle is the Year of Mark. This (...)
Commentary on Overview of NL Year 2[This overview was co-written by Karl N. Jacobson and Rolf A Jacobson.]1 The Year of Mark: “God at the Center” Year 2 in the Narrative Lectionary’s (NL) four-year cycle is the Year of Mark. This (...)
Prayer and Quarantine for your faithful, consistent, diligent work to preach the good news. Thanks for giving shape to a life of hope when there is despair, to a life of faith when there is unbelief, and (...)
Truth Matters’ve always been puzzled by the idea of the unforgivable sin, identified in Mark as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (Mark 3:28-30). The passage in which this claim is made describes a whirlwind of action (...)
Preaching + Trauma[This article is co-authored by Jessica Davis.] “They cried to the Lord in their trouble, and Ze delivered them from their distress; Ze brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and burst (...)
God Said Yes to Me different, Working Preachers. I want to begin the column this week with a reading that I think captures some of the spirit we see and hear in the Syrophonecian woman’s response to Jesus. I (...)
Out of Control Working Preacher, As some of you may know, a whole lot of folks in the Twin Cities lost power over the weekend when a series of storms blasted their way through this region. (...)