Year B

Dear Working Preacher
On Being Restored to Yourself

Full disclosure. I do not like hockey, I really, really don’t. This coming from a [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Exorcisms for Our Day

What you do reveals who you are. The last few weeks have certainly reminded us of this [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Epiphany Expectations

Look it up. What does epiphany actually mean? Of course there will be several possible definitions, but [...]

Mark’s Gospel and The Small Bird’s Immediacy

[This article was first published on [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Baptismal Blessings?

I have said this before and I will say it again — preaching on the Baptism of [...]

Dear Working Preacher
A Prologue for the New Year

Lucky you! A commentary on John 1:1-18 on and a Dear Working Preacher column [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Just Praise

The fullness of time has indeed come (Gal 4:4) and indeed, how can we keep silent (Isa [...]

Deep Winter Light

In the cold of earliest morning at Pendle Hill Quaker Center, I venture from my room to [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Advent as a Way of Life

I wonder if the annunciation to Mary might function as a summary of the Advent season; a [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Advent as Testimony

Well, if last week was Advent as truth-telling, this week John’s John suggests Advent as testimony, as [...]