
Theology and Interpretation
To Whom Do You Think You Are Preaching?

Listening to a sermon, I form a portrait of myself. [...]

Theology and Interpretation
New “Holy Days for Justice” Add Breadth and Depth to Preaching

The Revised Common Lectionary is [...]

A Voice Amid the Wedding Noise

I have an unusually heavy schedule of weddings to perform [...]

Preaching and Wildfire

In a recent New York Times article, Michael Winerip shares some lessons learned from the ravenous fires [...]

Preaching to Angels

I’ll never forget standing among a crowd in a tunnel as the University of Minnesota marching band [...]

The Spiritual Echo Chamber

In trying to explain the rash of abysmal election predictions by media pundits, political analysts [...]

Sermon Development
Godly Play and Preaching the Story

The Purpose of PreachingWe preach to help people “discover a [...]

A Very Rare Flower

“As we continue to watch the regrowth, nature’s ability to recover after a fire is truly amazing [...]

Sundays Happen

“Sundays Happen” is a monthly column where we can playfully and thoughtfully wrestle with the realities of [...]

This Is My Body, Preached for You

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.The Word did [...]