
View inside car at dusk with air freshener dangling
Easter 7B: Pray Anywhere

Do you have a place or object that reminds you to pray? Joy J. Moore joins us [...]

walking labyrinth by ocean
Draw Near: Creative Prayer Ideas for Beleaguered Preachers

People in ministry have a [...]

bird standing on teal picnic table
Dear Working Preacher
An End to Ordinary Time

We are glad you landed on our new page as your settle into the routine of sermon [...]

Dear Working Preacher
The God Who Feels — and Feeds

Grace and peace to you, Working Preacher, from God the [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Prayer and Quarantine

Thanks for your faithful, consistent, diligent work to preach the good news. Thanks for giving shape to [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Pausing to Grieve

What a month to come through as we turn toward All Saints Day, dear Working Preachers. Some [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Who Taught You How to Pray?

It’s a very personal, intimate thing, one’s prayer life. Getting started at praying is less [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Teach Us to Pray

Preaching the Gospel of John remains a challenge for many, Dear Working Preachers. A number of reasons [...]

Preaching Moment 347: Luke Powery on Preaching in a Spiritual Mode

Preaching in a spiritual mode, [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Prayers Needed

Back in February, I was the presenter at a woman’s retreat, my fourth year in a row [...]