Sermon Development
Jesus’ Expansive Mission: Preaching and Evangelism
Preaching and evangelism take many [...]
Preaching and evangelism take many [...]
Some preachers avoid the e-word while others do not, yet [...]
“Catching people” might not sit very well with a number of our congregants. Compared to the parallel [...]
“Preach the Gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words.” This saying, attributed (apocryphally) to St. [...]
Dear Working Preacher, If you really want to understand why the church is declining in North America, [...]
I have an unusually heavy schedule of weddings to perform [...]
I experienced an uncomfortable moment recently when someone expressed admiration for my chosen vocation, which was characterized [...]
Dear Working Preacher, You know how some images just stick with you? Here’s one description of the [...]