Alternate First Reading

white cloth with fringe
Commentary on Genesis 12:1-9

Have you or your family ever moved because of a call from God? If you [...]

Figure holding torch under large stone arch
Commentary on Isaiah 65:17-25

As we draw to the close of the church year, we traditionally begin to draw [...]

Psalm 17:5 - Hikers walking on rocky trail
Commentary on Haggai 1:15b-2:9

The prophet Haggai is a familiar figure from Sacred Scripture. [...]

Luke 19:4
Commentary on Habakkuk 1:1-4, 2:1-4

Our reading from Habakkuk concludes with words that had a [...]

Man on floor praying fervently
Commentary on Joel 2:23-32

No scholarly consensus surrounds the dating of Joel. We must be content to say that [...]

woman holding sign saying
Commentary on Jeremiah 31:27-34

The diversity of the book of Jeremiah means that readers [...]

Man with hands outstretched in a field
Commentary on Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7

Stop waiting and live.  This is the main thrust of [...]

Chef with apron in kitchen
Commentary on Lamentations 1:1-6

Alone, weeping bitterly, without a comforter, betrayed, her people in [...]

two people hold bowl of cherry tomatoes
Commentary on Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15

From time to time, the book of Jeremiah reminds readers [...]

Group of people standing on beach watching sunset
Commentary on Jeremiah 8:18—9:1

The book of Jeremiah provides readers with broad insights into [...]