Alternate First Reading

neon sign: With All Your Heart
Commentary on Deuteronomy 34:1-12

I grew up in a home where the mantra, “Finish [...]

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Commentary on Exodus 33:12-23

I was preparing to teach a Confirmation Class in which I would ask each student [...]

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Commentary on Exodus 32:1-14

Wait one minute! Readers of this text, stop throwing Aaron under the bus as the [...]

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Commentary on Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20

When it comes to the Ten Commandments, it’s easy to [...]

Commentary on Exodus 17:1-7

At the outset of this passage, the Israelites leave the Sin desert (unrelated to the [...]

People around a table, photo by Luisa Brimble.
Commentary on Exodus 16:2-15

With the Song of the Sea still ringing in our ears, chapter 15 of the [...]

Waianae, photo
Commentary on Exodus 14:19-31

CW: pregnancy loss.  When we arrive at Exodus 14:19-31, we are at the culmination of [...]

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Commentary on Exodus 12:1-14

I grew up in the church. I was one of those kids that participated in [...]

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Commentary on Exodus 3:1-15

In 1990, the multi-talented Bette Midler released an album entitled, Some People’s Lives. The seventh [...]

Photo of Light Through Trees
Commentary on Exodus 1:8—2:10

In his novel, A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens [...]