Preaching Wholeness: I’m Back!

After a bit of a break, I am grateful for the opportunity to once again be part of Working Preacher’s blogging community. Thanks to Luther Seminary for the invitation!

In this iteration of BRC on WP, Preaching Wholeness: Proclaiming harmony and hope in a world of division and discord, it is my intention to provide words that will incite, encourage, and challenge you to be the preacher that God intends you to be and become. I chose the subtitle, “harmony and hope” because becoming comfortable with the craft of preaching means being confident in holding the many variables, demands, and surprises in harmony. As opposed to balance, where there is an assumed equal parts this or that, harmony gives us some contextual freedom to step into, stand in the midst of, or walk away from the particularities that exist within the contexts in which we are called to proclaim the word.

While I’ll mostly focus on cultural happenings and postures for preaching the fullness of the Gospel, I will also touch on tactics for getting the sermon done, and ways to tend to your own preaching soul. I have been at this for over 20 years, so I truly understand the roller-coaster of the preaching process. From staring down the impending arrival of Sunday morning with very little written down on Saturday night, to the liberation and exhilaration of knowing full-well that the Holy Spirit was active in the preaching moment — I feel you.

Please be sure to subscribe to this blog and follow @WorkingPreacher to stay connected. Thanks for the gift of your time. I hope this will be helpful.

If you have any ideas, questions, or conundrums, that you feel would be helpful for me to address, please, please, please send them my way. I am always looking for ideas — especially ones that might actually be practical and useful 🙂 you can reach me on Facebook, Twitter, or via @breyeschow on most social networks.

Bruce Reyes-Chow’s bimonthly Working Preacher column, “Preaching Wholeness,” is all about proclaiming harmony and hope in a world of division and discord.