Working Preacher

The Working Preacher team has enlisted more than 500 hundred friends -- biblical scholars, theologians, homileticians and pastors dedicated to the craft of biblical preaching -- to provide you timely, compelling and trustworthy content. Use the Contributor Lookup below to find specific authors.

Author Headshot

Principal of De Pree Leadership Center and Associate Professor of New Testament

Fuller Theological Seminary

Pasadena, CA

Daniel G. Beaudoin


Northwestern Ohio Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)

Findlay, Ohio

Headshot of Carol Bechtel

Professor of Old Testament

Western Theological Seminary

Holland, MI, United States

Author Headshot

Professor Emeritus

Loras College

Dubuque, Iowa

Author Headshot

Profesora de Teología Sistemática

Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary

Evanston, Illinois

Author Headshot

Emeritus Professor of Religion

Baylor University

Waco, Texas

Author Headshot

Directora Asociada de Admisiones

Seminario Teológico de Princeton

Princeton, NJ, USA

Author Headshot

Professor of Old Testament

Calvin Theological Seminary

Grand Rapids, Mich.

Author Headshot

Professor Emeritus of New Testament

Luther Seminary

St. Paul, Minnesota, United States

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Associate Professor of Music

St. Olaf College

Northfield, MN

Author Headshot


Seminario Teológico de Honduras (SETEHO)

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Sharon Betsworth Headshot

Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean; Professor of New Testament

Saint Paul School of Theology

Leawood, Kansas

Author Headshot

Pastor at Bickford Mediation and Church Consulting

Bickford Mediation and Church Consulting

Rochester, MN, USA

Author Headshot

Senior Pastor

First Lutheran Church of Richmond Beach

Seattle, WA

Author Headshot

Otto A. Piper Professor of Biblical Theology

Princeton Theological Seminary

Princeton, NJ