Month: August 2009

Preaching Moment 75: Shauna Hannan

Shauna Hannan reflects on the challenges and benefits inherent in [...]

What, then, shall we say?

My husband has been taking guitar lessons for over a year. I am very impressed [...]

Preaching Moment 74: Eugene Peterson

Eugene Peterson talks about his work in a congregation and [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Preaching Amid Controversy: Pastoral and Homiletical Counsel

Dear Working Preacher, What you [...]

Preaching Moment 73: Melinda Quivik

Melinda Quivik invites the preacher to take his/her congregation on [...]

Sharing the Piece

A few years after Linda and I were married, we rented a cabin way up in the [...]

Preaching Moment 72: Michael Curry

On what hearers remember from a sermon. Would you like [...]

Jesus Loves Bread and Ashes

God loves doing things that surprise us. …Not in that creepy stand behind doorways “gotcha” [...]

Theology and Interpretation
The Holy Spirit

Many of us leave experiences of the Spirit to other people– enthusiasts, charismatics, and mystics. We may [...]

Theology and Interpretation
Reading Texts for the Sake of Hearing the Gospel

“I am increasingly struck that much biblical interpretation occurs without [...]