Dear Working Preacher
Creeping Things, Innumerable
My friends, it is tick season here on the farm and so trips outside to [...]
My friends, it is tick season here on the farm and so trips outside to [...]
Republicans won’t budge on guns. And women and children are [...]
The last time I wrote for this column was the [...]
Before the COVID-19 crisis struck [...]
Pentecost Sunday. A rather troubling misnomer, after all. Because even though we know in theory that the [...]
This year’s Festival of Homiletics in San Antonio — and great to see so many of you [...]
The title to this article is a riff on the [...]
Back to reality. Perhaps that’s what many of you might be feeling right now. Easter is over. [...]
Happy Pentecost, Dear Working Preachers! At the risk of sounding like the proverbial broken record, are you [...]
Matt Skinner, professor of New Testament at Luther Seminary, marvels [...]