Craft of Preaching

Woman with hand on her heart
Ordinary 22B: Who Tends Your Heart?

Preachers, as you prepare to preach on Mark 7, join [...]

Statue of Liberty - related to issue of immigration
How to Preach on the Issue of Immigration?

What can one say from the pulpit about the issue [...]

Young person wearing a skateboard helmet
Ordinary 21B: The Whole Armor of God

Ephesians 6:10-20 provides a marvelous metaphor of the whole armor [...]

Spoon landing on cherry
Ordinary 20B: New Vantage Points

Matt Skinner shares biblical insights from the Minneapolis sculpture garden [...]

Man looking out window at airplane
Ordinary 19B: Complaining to What End?

Karoline Lewis joins us from the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport, a [...]

Basket overflowing with small oranges
Ordinary 17B: Baskets Overflowing

Matt Skinner was asked to define the word “basket” for [...]

Mentoring new preachers to share a message that resonates
Sermon Development
Mentoring New Preachers

As a mentor to new preachers—intern pastors and intern deacons—I have been privileged to guide these new [...]

Steep steps down to lake - take a risk!
Ordinary 16B: Inspired to Risk

Karoline Lewis reflects on family heritage in front of the [...]

Practices for busy preachers - artwork of woman looking at undulating hills
Sermon Development
Unhurried Preaching: Three practices for busy preachers

Preparing a sermon is a [...]

Crazy Horse sculpture in Black Hills, South Dakota
Ordinary 15B: Bear Witness

Joy J. Moore joins us in South Dakota at the Crazy Horse Memorial. She reminds [...]