Since 2017, Jennifer Ackerman has been directing the efforts of Fuller Seminary’s Brehm Preaching—A Lloyd John Ogilvie Initiative, where she has worked to catalyze a movement of empowered, wise preachers who live and lead at the convergence of worship, preaching, and justice. In 2022 she joined Fuller’s faculty as an assistant professor of preaching in the School of Mission and Theology.
Ackerman has nearly 30 years of experience facilitating the worship and preaching efforts of churches in multiple denominations across the US, and as an ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church (USA), she serves as the seminary’s liaison to the denomination.
Her current research interests include Howard Thurman and sacramental silence; worship in postmodernity; prophetic preaching; facilitating sacred space for courageous conversation; and art-based training to increase capacity for church leadership at the convergence of worship, preaching, and justice.
She is the author of the Preaching the Gospel of Justice, the 14th book in the Working Preacher Books series. You can watch videos about the book at this YouTube playlist.
Note: Biographical information was updated as of the latest contribution. Author profiles may not reflect author's current employment or location.