Narrative Lectionary

Great Catch of Fish
Commentary on Luke 5:1-11

Jesus’ famous invitation to the men on the boat to become “fishers of people” is [...]

Detail from a mosaic in Istanbul of Nazareth, 1315-1320.
Commentary on Luke 4:14-30

It’s not an accident that many of the major scenes of Jesus’ life in the [...]

refining fire in factory
Commentary on Luke 3:1-22

Unlike the traditions about Jesus’ infancy and childhood in Luke 1−2, Luke’s synoptic counterparts contain [...]

The Boy Jesus in the Temple
Commentary on Luke 2:41-52

My cell phone creates montages of pictures and videos taken on its camera and invites [...]

Detail from
Commentary on Luke 2:21-38

In 2:21–38, Luke fleshes out Jesus’ identity as Savior, Messiah, and Lord (see also 2:11). [...]

Detail from
Commentary on Luke 2:8-20

The song of the angels in Luke 2:14, traditionally known as the Gloria, speaks of [...]

Photo of a Nativity Scene
Commentary on Luke 2:1-14 [15-20]

Eastern Orthodox Christians call Mary, the mother of Jesus, Theotokos—Theo [...]

Photo of newborn baby
Commentary on Luke 1:26-45 [46-56]

The announcement of Jesus’ birth brought by Gabriel to his [...]

Photo of a sewn up felt heart
Commentary on Isaiah 61:1-11

Isaiah 61 is part of the postexilic portion of the book, chapters 40–66. This part [...]

Photo of a paper heart being torn in two.
Commentary on Joel 2:12-13, 28-29

There is a plaintive quality to today’s lesson. The passage [...]