Narrative Lectionary

Sign that reads
Commentary on 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Although 1 Corinthians 13 is one of the most well-known [...]

Corinth Canal
Commentary on Acts 18:1-4; 1 Corinthians 1:10-18

While not exactly rose-tinted, in Acts there was an almost [...]

City shoreline of Thessaloniki, Greece
Commentary on Acts 17:1-9; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

The movement between the Third and Fourth Sundays of Easter [...]

Gate in Old City Jerusalem
Commentary on Acts 3:1-10

In last week’s reading, Jesus promises that after he departs, God will send the Holy [...]

Christus ascendit hodie!
Commentary on Acts 1:1-14

The book of Acts begins by looking backward to Luke’s account of the life, teachings, [...]

round stone in obscuring tomb entry
Commentary on Mark 16:1-8

“Alice laughed. ‘There’s no use trying,’ she said. ‘One can’t believe impossible things.’ ‘I daresay [...]

Commentary on Mark 15:16-39

For those of us reading the Bible today, Jesus’ death on the cross is portrayed [...]

Statue of woman praying in garden setting
Commentary on Mark 14:22-42

The story of Jesus’ last supper has informed two thousand years of eucharistic theology and [...]

Entry into the City
Commentary on Mark 11:1-11; [14:3-9]

This week marks Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. He enters the [...]

Annular Solar Eclipse 2
Commentary on Mark 13:1-8, 24-37

In Mark 13:2, Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple. [...]