Commentary on Daniel 7:1-18
Week 4 (8/25/2024): Four Beasts
Daniel 7 marks a significant shift in the book, as it introduces the first of the Danielic apocalypses. In contrast to the previous chapter, where dangerous animals posed a threat to an individual, the beasts in Daniel 7 represent a cosmic and political menace.
Once again, Daniel is portrayed as the recipient of heavenly mysteries, which he receives through dreams and visions. His vision centers on four beasts, some of which are hybridized, such as the lion with wings or the leopard with wings, while others appear more or less in their natural form, like the bear. The fourth beast is described less in terms of its appearance and more in terms of its terrifying nature. It possesses large, crushing teeth and ten horns, from which a single horn with human eyes emerges, speaking boastfully.
At this pivotal moment, the vision reaches a climax, juxtaposing terror and hope. The horn, a symbol of royal power in the ancient Near East, confronts other clear symbols of royal authority: the royal courtroom of the “Ancient of Days.” Amidst this clash of powers, another character enters the scene, bearing the appearance of a human and receiving authority, glory, and power. Unlike the dominion of the previous creatures, this figure’s kingdom possesses an everlasting quality, one “that will not pass away, and . . . will never be destroyed” (verse 14).
As is the case with many apocalyptic visions, this one requires interpretation. The four beasts represent four kings. They will eventually give way, not to another king but to “the holy people of the Most High,” who will in turn “receive the kingdom and will possess it forever—yes, for ever and ever” (verse 18).
The author’s choice to make this about a “people” rather than an individual king is significant. This vision is about the larger narrative of God’s people—Israel, the Jews—who find themselves laboring under the heel of various kinds and human rulers. Their hope rests in a God who will overthrow human kingdoms and establish a prosperous future for God’s people.
August 25, 2024