Revised Common Lectionary

spray-painted hearts
Commentary on Hebrews 9:11-14

This week’s passage opens with the conjunction de (“but”), marking a transition to the discussion [...]

spray-painted hearts
Commentary on Deuteronomy 6:1-9

In Deuteronomy 6, we encounter Moses as the great teacher, [...]

spray-painted hearts
Commentary on Mark 12:28-34

One of the many reasons to love the Gospel of Mark is that it is [...]

Raising of Lazarus by Peter Paul Morandell on the facade of the cemetery chapel in Rum, Tyrol (1956)
Commentary on Psalm 24

Psalm 24 is an entrance liturgy.1 It is very likely that the liturgy was designed to accompany [...]

Raising of Lazarus by Peter Paul Morandell on the facade of the cemetery chapel in Rum, Tyrol (1956)
Commentary on Revelation 21:1-6a

“See, I am making all things new” (Revelation 21:5).1 As [...]

Raising of Lazarus by Peter Paul Morandell on the facade of the cemetery chapel in Rum, Tyrol (1956)
Commentary on Isaiah 25:6-9

The art of preaching biblical poems might helpfully involve being captivated by an image that [...]

Raising of Lazarus by Peter Paul Morandell on the facade of the cemetery chapel in Rum, Tyrol (1956)
Comentario del San Juan 11:32-44

El Domingo de Todos los Santos conmemora la vida de [...]

Raising of Lazarus by Peter Paul Morandell on the facade of the cemetery chapel in Rum, Tyrol (1956)
Commentary on John 11:32-44

Our passage this week forms the climax of a lengthy narrative in John 11. In [...]

photo of fig leaves
Commentary on Luke 21:25-36

As Advent begins, beloved images and icons of Christmastime start to appear—like peaceful nativity scenes [...]

Millstone in a garden
Comentario del San Marcos 9:38-50

En el evangelio de hoy continúa la conversación de Jesús [...]