Commentary on Hebrews 9:11-14
This week’s passage opens with the conjunction de (“but”), marking a transition to the discussion [...]
This week’s passage opens with the conjunction de (“but”), marking a transition to the discussion [...]
In Deuteronomy 6, we encounter Moses as the great teacher, [...]
One of the many reasons to love the Gospel of Mark is that it is [...]
Psalm 24 is an entrance liturgy.1 It is very likely that the liturgy was designed to accompany [...]
“See, I am making all things new” (Revelation 21:5).1 As [...]
The art of preaching biblical poems might helpfully involve being captivated by an image that [...]
El Domingo de Todos los Santos conmemora la vida de [...]
Our passage this week forms the climax of a lengthy narrative in John 11. In [...]
As Advent begins, beloved images and icons of Christmastime start to appear—like peaceful nativity scenes [...]
En el evangelio de hoy continúa la conversación de Jesús [...]