Month: May 2017

Dear Working Preacher
Spirit Work

This year’s Festival of Homiletics in San Antonio — and great to see so many of you [...]

Weightier Matters: Faith, Justice, and Mercy

As I prepare this month’s column, the scripture that refuses [...]

Dear Working Preacher
The Power of Prayer

How quickly do we pass over the prayers of Jesus and choose the commands of Jesus so [...]

Dear Working Preacher
A Paraclete Kind of Life

Dear Working Preachers, I absolutely love this passage in John. Ok, I know what you are thinking [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Saying Goodbye

When you have to say goodbye, what do you say? It depends on the situation, of course; [...]

Sermon Development
Give Them a Story

The story of God’s love incarnate in Jesus Christ is often referred to as the greatest story [...]