RCL Year C

hiker looking up at rocky cliff
Advent 2C: God always shows up

Joy J. Moore reflects on the powerful message of Luke [...]

Chaos written on a white wall with black yarn
Advent 1C: Witnessing Grace in Chaos

Life feels uncertain, but Advent reminds us that God is [...]

Figure walking down highway looking up the hill
Preaching Series
Preaching the Prophets in Advent (Year C)

Preaching on prophetic texts during the Advent season provides an [...]

Man watering seedlings in Kenya
Theology and Interpretation
Planted in Hope and Bearing Fruit

Six years ago I returned from a life-changing visit to [...]

Dear Working Preacher
On Orange Cars and Gratitude for Preaching Another Year

I open this week’s letter [...]

Dear Working Preacher
This Far by Faith

Apocalyptic themes fascinate, confuse, and rebuff us. Almost everyone who comes to worship this week will have [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Be Present and Engaged

It’s a good week to read Haggai. It may or may not be a good week to [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Other People’s Prayers

Imagine if you could hear the prayers of people in your congregation. Of course, sometimes [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Taking the Fork in the Road

Thanks for preaching the Word, in season and out of season—steadfast, immovable, always abounding in [...]

Dear Working Preacher
An Attitude of Gratitude

One of the things I practiced as a parent, and hoped to instill as a habit, was [...]