Matt Skinner

A pile of cardboard boxes
Ordinary 23B: Boxes Begone

Matt Skinner reminds us that we don’t have to fit everything into boxes. Take the [...]

Spoon landing on cherry
Ordinary 20B: New Vantage Points

Matt Skinner shares biblical insights from the Minneapolis sculpture garden [...]

Basket overflowing with small oranges
Ordinary 17B: Baskets Overflowing

Matt Skinner was asked to define the word “basket” for [...]

Pile of old suitcases
Ordinary 14B: Travel Light

Do you have difficulty packing light? Matt Skinner can relate! He reminds preachers of Mark [...]

Seedlings emerging from soil
Ordinary 11B: Trust the Process

Matt Skinner provides a key insight for preachers from Mark [...]

Girl watering potted plants outside while man helps
Holy Trinity B: Acts of Love

“Preaching first and foremost has to be an act not of explanation, but an act [...]

Smiling woman holding Joy cutout in front of brick wall
Easter 6B: Find Joy in the Pulpit

Where do you find joy? Matt Skinner is drawn to [...]

Old minivan with dents and scrapes
Easter 3B: Scratches and Dings

Like Matt’s 2006 minivan, we bear scratches and dings from [...]

Monterey Bay, California, beach and trees
Palm/Passion Sunday: Hometown Emotions

What does the word homecoming stir up for you? Matt [...]

Minnesota State Capitol, Saint Paul
Lent 3B: Symbols of Authority

In a world full of symbols of authority, remember the true source of power found [...]