Mark 10:17-31

Decluttering a household, putting blankets in clear bin.
Ordinary 28B: Put aside everything

When Jesus says, “Put aside everything and follow me,” what [...]

hiker on ridge with thousands of steps
Dear Working Preacher
The Story of the Rich Man Is … A Gift to Preachers?

On texts for Oct. 10, [...]

Dear Working Preacher
What Do You Lack?

“You lack one thing.” There is great irony in Jesus’ statement, isn’t there? We can likely assume [...]

Dear Working Preacher
The Thing You Lack

“You lack one thing.” Ouch. I fear I lack much more than one thing, do you? But [...]

Dear Working Preacher
Jesus, the Rich Man, and All of Us Lousy Stewards

Dear Working Preacher, Can we just admit that most of [...]