Passion Sunday

Monterey Bay, California, beach and trees
Palm/Passion Sunday: Hometown Emotions

What does the word homecoming stir up for you? Matt [...]

Boston terrier wrapped in blanket lying on couch
Dear Working Preacher
Hosanna and Heartache

Palm or Passion. What’s a preacher to do? Likely you have already made that decision, Working Preachers. [...]

Dear Working Preacher
When the Earth Shakes

The parades have been canceled. Maybe some postponed. The palms have been placed in a corner or [...]

Dear Working Preacher
A Very Holy Week

Dear Working Preachers, I suspect that your Holy Week plans and preaching are well in place by [...]

Dear Working Preacher
No Preaching Required

It’s hard to compete with Palm/Passion Sunday. And maybe, you shouldn’t. Have you thought about letting the [...]