kristofer phan coffman

Sand art with cross = heart (God is love)
Preaching Series
Preaching 1 John in Easter (Year B)

A six-week preaching series based on the Second Readings in [...]

Why is forgiveness so difficult?
Dear Working Preacher
Forgiveness: The Hardest Commandment

Dear Working Preacher, Why is forgiveness so difficult? Is there [...]

tick crawling on rock
Dear Working Preacher
Creeping Things, Innumerable

My friends, it is tick season here on the farm and so trips outside to [...]

snow-covered trees and powerlines
Dear Working Preacher
Loss of Power

As a professor in 2023, the word “power” comes up a lot in my life, often in [...]

Tractor tilling field
Dear Working Preacher
To Till It and Keep It?

Though my primary vocation is teaching and learning about the biblical text, as you may remember from [...]

Seagulls flying over water at sunset
Dear Working Preacher
An Ever-present Help in Trouble

When last I wrote to you, I was wrangling chickens [...]

scared brown chicken in grass
Dear Working Preacher
A Parable of Lost Chickens

As I write this, I’m sitting in the middle of a pile of boxes and [...]

two snails on grey pavement in a city
Dear Working Preacher
Persistently Dancing for Hours

Luke fills his Gospel with images of persistence: Widows appealing [...]