
Photo of Light Through Trees
Commentary on Psalm 138:1-8

The composer of Psalm 138 teaches us that the proper response to the Lord’s deliverance [...]

A Widening Circle, photo
Commentary on Psalm 67:1-7

This psalm is a favorite for several reasons.¹ Its repetitions and relative brevity make it [...]

Detail from Jesus Feeding the 5000 from the Hagia Sophia.
Commentary on Psalm 145:8-9, 14-21

The scriptures often describe people and things in absolute terms, [...]

Landscape with Elijah and the Angel by Gaspard Dughet.
Commentary on Psalm 85:8-13

This psalm lection contains a magnificent constellation of biblical terms, portraying them with a striking [...]

loaves of bread
Commentary on Psalm 119:129-136

There is an ancient and venerable teaching in the church [...]

field of wheat
Commentary on Psalm 86:11-17

Psalm 86 is classified by most scholars as a psalm of individual lament, in which [...]

Commentary on Psalm 65:[1-8] 9-13

When one surveys Psalm 65 as a whole, what is [...]

Commentary on Psalm 145:8-14

Psalm 145 commands all its readers, indeed, all flesh (145:21) from every generation (145:13), to [...]

Detail from Richard Norris Brooke's A Pastoral Visit, 1881
Commentary on Psalm 89:1-4, 15-18

The assigned verses are a portion of a much larger [...]

Jesus Wept painting by James Tissot
Commentary on Psalm 69:7-10, [11-15], 16-18

In Psalm 69, a servant of God (69:17) suffers for [...]