
Mark A. Throntveit is the Elva B. Lovell Professor Emeritus of Old Testament at Luther Seminary, Saint Paul, Minn. He is also book editor of Word & World: Theology for Christian Ministry, the seminary’s quarterly theological journal.

His books include: The NIV Learning Bible, (The American Bible Society, 2003); “1 & 2 Chronicles,” The New Interpreter’s Study Bible, (Abingdon, 2003); “1 & 2 Chronicles,” Harper’s Bible Commentary, (HarperCollins, 2000); The CEV Learning Bible, (The American Bible Society, 2000); Ezra-Nehemiah, Interpretation Commentaries (1992); Exploring the Yearly Lectionary Series A (1991) and When Kings Speak: Royal Speech and Royal Prayer in Chronicles (1987).

Note: Biographical information was updated as of the latest contribution. Author profiles may not reflect author's current employment or location.
