First Reading

Hands touching in front of setting sun
Commentary on Acts 2:1-21

Pentecost, in many Christian circles, is acknowledged as the birthday of the Church, but we [...]

a look into the
Commentary on Acts 1:6-14

What question would you pose to the recently resurrected Jesus? In the passage, we find [...]

stained glass artwork of Jesus with His arms outstretched
Commentary on Acts 17:22-31

As Paul stands in the midst of the Areopagus or Mars Hill, he speaks to [...]

a stand alone rock near a body of water
Commentary on Acts 7:55-60

This is a disturbing story. Stephen speaks truth to power and is stoned to death. [...]

a metal gate opening to a wheat field at sunset
Commentary on Acts 2:42-47

The reading for the Fourth Sunday of Easter stretches into the days following the Pentecost [...]

Girl on someone's shoulders uses fingers as play binoculars
Commentary on Acts 2:14a, 22-32

The lectionary readings for the Sundays after Easter contain passages [...]

dirt road in a desert
Commentary on Acts 2:14a, 36-41

The reading for the Third Sunday of Easter continues Peter’s [...]

Sunlight streaming through green leafy forest
Commentary on Acts 10:34-43

When Peter opens his mouth before Cornelius, his message succinctly captures the heart of Acts’ [...]

Stone cross with carved dove and floral decoration
Commentary on Isaiah 52:13—53:12

There were many in the early Jesus movement who identified [...]

Sandals in sand
Commentary on Exodus 12:1-4 [5-10] 11-14

The Israelites’ escape from Egypt is a well-known story.1 Commentaries [...]