First Reading

Millstone in a garden
Commentary on Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29

Numbers 11 invites the reader to reflect on leadership during [...]

Commentary on Jeremiah 31:31-34

Commentary for this text is forthcoming.

Commentary on Jeremiah 31:7-9

Commentary for this text is forthcoming.

Commentary on Isaiah 53:4-12

Commentary for this text is forthcoming.

Commentary on Amos 5:6-7, 10-15

In a course on the prophets, a professor of mine [...]

judge's gavel
Commentary on Genesis 2:18-24

In a passage that differs from the first description of the creation of humankind in [...]

Children embracing with smiles
Commentary on Jeremiah 11:18-20

A phrase not uncommon in English translation among the prophets [...]

Man looking sternly in rebuke
Commentary on Isaiah 50:4-9a

In a book full of evocative language, the servant song1 of Isaiah 50 stands out: “The [...]

Detail from
Commentary on Isaiah 35:4-7a

Although this week’s reading technically falls within the chapters of First Isaiah (Isaiah 1–39) attributed [...]

Hand washing
Commentary on Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9

Deuteronomy (“second law”) is the last book in the Torah [...]