Intro to Luke's Gospel

The podcast provides an overview to the Gospel of Luke for those who are preaching through it in the coming winter and spring. 

December 17, 2012

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Commentary on Luke 1:1—24:53

The podcast provides an overview to the Gospel of Luke for those who are preaching through it in the coming winter and spring. 

Things to note: 

  • Luke is a Jewish Gospel — many connections to the Old Testament. Consistently, God’s promises are being fulfilled, and are bigger than anyone has expected.
  • God’s promises (highlighted in the Narrative Lectionary readings in the fall) are carried through — from Abraham, Hannah, David, Elijah, Joel to Mary, John the Baptist, Jesus and Peter in Acts. 
  • Jerusalem is a character in the Gospel of Luke (starting in Luke 9:51). Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem for 10 chapters in this gospel. The shadow of the cross is in the background of all the healing and eating stories along the way to Jerusalem. 
  • It’s the same God. Theologically, this continuity is important. But there’s also a sense of breadth and surprise. Finally, salvation is coming for the whole world. (Gentiles, outsiders are welcomed to this message.)
  • Listeners who hear sermons on these texts should hear that the same God is active in our midst and in our church.
  • Surprise: There’s great joy in this gospel. A theme of eating, celebration with Jesus. 
  • Connection with the book of Acts and the early church.