
Veronice Miles is a preacher, teacher, scholar, mentor, and artist committed to a life of ministry in the church and in the academy. She serves as the Mary Elizabeth McGehee Joyce Professor of Preaching and Director of African American Church Studies at Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, DC. Her research highlights the formative and transformative potential of preaching, including the role of preaching in redressing persistently threatening challenges that pervade U.S. culture. Grounded in womanist epistemology, her publication, Embodied Hope: A Homiletical Theology Reflection (CASCADE Books, 2021), invites us to reimagine the contextual and theological starting points for a Christian theology of Hope. Veronice is an ordained Baptist minister who has served in various facets of church and community ministry for more than 50 years.

Note: Biographical information was updated as of the latest contribution. Author profiles may not reflect author's current employment or location.
