
Osvaldo D. Vena is Professor Emeritus of New Testament Interpretation at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. His latest book, Postcards from Egypt. Reimagining Jesus in the Gospel of Mark was published in 2020 by Resource Publications. He has also coedited with Leticia A. Guardiola-Sáenz Latinx Perspectives on the New Testament, a collection of essays published in 2022 by Lexington Books.

Osvaldo D. Vena es oriundo de la Argentina y profesor emérito de Nuevo Testamento en el Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary en Evanston, Illinois, USA. Es autor, entre otros libros y artículos, de Apocalipsis, perteneciente a la serie “Conozca su Biblia” editada por Justo L. González y publicada por Augsburg Fortress (2008) y Evangelio de Marcos, perteneciente a la  Serie “Comentarios para exégesis y traducción,” editada por Edesio Sánchez y Esteban Voth y publicada por las Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas (2008).

Note: Biographical information was updated as of the latest contribution. Author profiles may not reflect author's current employment or location.
